JCC Indian Independence: England

We are pleased to welcome you to the Joint Crisis Committee (JCC) simulation focusing on England's role in addressing two pivotal issues following World War II: "Internal Issues After WWII" and "India: Human Rights, and Civil Rights Movements." This committee will provide you with essential background information and context to help you better understand the historical context, key stakeholders, and possible actions you may take as delegates representing England during this critical period

Joint Crisis Committee: This is when there are two committee rooms that work in tandem, but are apart. They are set in the same universe and their crisis notes impact the same outside world, but they are in different debate rooms.


Krishna Agarwal

Sai Yenika

Topic One: Internal Issues After World War II - The Impact of the Anglo-Indian Wars on England

Topic Two: India's Path to Independence - England's Role and the Impact on International Relations

Please contact himunc.britain@gmail.com with any questions.